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Electrical Engineer


Autonomous Mars Rover

  • Dynamic colour detection

  • Video Streaming

  • Automotive driving

屏幕截图 2022-07-16 183833.png

Lacewing 1.0 PCB Design

  • Optimised Circuit for reading Data from sensor

  • New components market research and testing

  • Customised PCB Design 

屏幕截图 2022-07-15 142136.png

Armish CPU Design

  • Functional CPU design from scratch

  • Designing Instruction set architecture

  • Benchmark tests, Fibonacci number, pseudo-random integer, traverse linked list 


Robotic Manipulation

  • 4 DOF Robot arm

  • Precise velocity control or motors

  • A* Search Algorithm


Smart Mining Helmet

  • IoT application with multiple sensors

  • MQTT Server built with database

  • Real time miner's health condition monitoring

屏幕截图 2022-07-15 141916_edited.png

Music Synthesizer

  • Real Time Operating System implementation

  • Using CAN_BUS enables chords with multiple keyboards

  • Diverse Timbre enabled

Music Synthesizer.png


Department of Electrical and

Electronic Engineering

Exhibition Rd,

South Kensington,

London SW7 2BX

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©2022 by Shuanghua Liu

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